Custom Packaging Made Easy | Custom Shape Pros | Custom Shape Pros


Packaging materials are expensive, and they are often difficult to customize. Using a steel-rule die you can decide the shape of your container and the material you will be cutting. Need to produce packaging with a pre-printed sheet? No problem... request a Pinnovation die that includes registration pins.


pink banana trading company inc.

Puerto Rico based Pink Banana Trading Co. had to find a cost-effective solution for their product packaging. Owner Yiries Saad started cutting out boxes all on his own using a custom die.

Susan chandler

Susan creates handmade gift card sleeves for her sister's restaurant in Wisconsin.  She is able to change the designs every season and save countless hours cutting them out.


Emmy Snipes' Southern stationery company has saved time producing custom stationery and envelope lines with their AccuCut GrandeMARK 2 Machine and custom steel-rule dies.

Edgewood Farmhouse

Robin’s graphic design and illustration talents brought on the business Edgewood Farmhouse. Her custom box design made her business and flashcards come to life for her customers.